Using my experience and passion for animals to help you build & maintain a lasting relationship with yours.
45+ Years Animal Care & Training at your Service
Certified in Canine CPR & First Aid
Skilled with Canines, Felines, Equines, Avians, Reptiles, Amphibians, & Tropical Fish
Separation Anxiety Pro Certification in June 2020

Training - Concierge
I will come to YOUR home to meet with you & your pet. We will discuss issues that you are experiencing & formulate a step by step training plan. This is a FREE one time consultation. This does not include Separation Anxiety Consultation/Observation

The Basic 7 are skills that all dogs should have to be able to live a safe & respectful life. We can also work on car manners, door manners, veterinary visit manners & dog park skills. Private training allows your dog to master skills in a safe area (home) before they are asked to utilize these skills in a stressful place (veterinary clinic).
Ala Carte Price is $125 per training session.
Package Price is $1000 for 9 training sessions. Packages include E-Mail training notes, full access by phone or text to ask training questions. Packages also allow for "field trips" to different locations to train like vet offices, dog parks, parks and malls.
A training session is 30 minutes to 60 minutes depending on skills being worked on.
Pet Concierge
A Pet Concierge provides specialized care for your pets when you can't. Make sure your work or travel schedule never interferes with the care of your animals.

We can:
transport animals to the veterinary
administer medications
provide rehabilitative care
maintain an exercise program
Trim toenails
These services can be provided in your home to minimize disruptions to your pet's life.
Prices start at $60/hour with 2 hour minimum